The 1996 Grand Cherokee's front end is a maze of linkages, pumps and joints. Over time, these components begin to wear out and make some noises. One of the noises heard from a Grand Cherokee is a creaking sound while turning.
The steering damper is a shock-like item that is connected to the steering linkage. This component controls the lateral movement of the steering, thereby increasing your control of the vehicle. As it ages, the damper can lose its internal pressure and lubrication. This causes a loud creaking sound when turning.
The ball joints are a suspension component that allow the wheels to turn freely while still being attached to the suspension. They also permit a slight in-and-out movement of the wheels to keep the tread of the tires perpendicular to the road. Ball joints are filled with grease to stay lubricated and if that grease leaks out and the joint dries up, you will hear a loud creaking sound when turning the wheels.
The power steering pump contains a hydraulic fluid to create pressure and lubricate the steering gear. If this pump begins to fail or loses fluid, a loud groaning or creaking sound will emanate when the wheels are turned.