How to Troubleshoot a 2002 Dodge Neon Transmission

How to Troubleshoot a 2002 Dodge Neon Transmission

If the transmission starts to slip on your 2002 Dodge Neon, you might be thinking about empty pockets. More times than not, you might just need to add some transmission fluid to fix the issue. Before you take your Neon into the transmission shop, you might want to do some troubleshooting of your own.

Things You'll Need

  • Keys
  • Rag
  • Drive-up ramps
  • Tire block
  • Flashlight
  • Look under the car where the car is parked all night to see if you have a spot on the ground. If you have a leak, put your finger in it to see if it is red. If the leak is red in color, then you have a transmission fluid leak. A transmission fluid leak will cause your transmission to fail. You will find some tips on locating the leak in a step below.

  • Get the transmission warmed up by driving your Neon around the block a few times. Park the car and set the emergency brake. Let the engine continue to run. Open the hood on your Neon.

  • Find the transmission dipstick. It is located on the side of the engine near the font. The transmission dipstick will be labeled "transmission." Pull out the dipstick and wipe it off with the rag. Reinsert the dipstick and pull it out again. Check the level of the fluid. The fluid is full at the "full hot" line indicated on the dipstick. If your transmission is low on fluid it will not function properly.

  • Look at the color of the transmission fluid on the dipstick. If the fluid is not red, then you need to change the transmission fluid.

  • Position the drive-up ramps in front of the front tires and drive the car up. Turn the engine off. Set the emergency brake and set the tire block behind one of the rear tires.

  • Let the engine cool down completely before proceeding to the next step.

  • Slide under the front of the car and locate the transmission. It is attached to the side of the engine. You can identify the transmission because the dipstick tube is attached to it.

  • Shine your flashlight all around the transmission and look for any leaks from the transmission pan or housing. Look for any loose or broken electrical connections, which can cause your transmission to malfunction.