How to Use Engine Dye to Find Oil Leaks

How to Use Engine Dye to Find Oil Leaks

Sometimes when you are sure your engine is leaking, it can be nearly impossible to find the leak. You might see the evidence on your driveway, but not know where exactly the leak has sprung from. If so, running UV dye through the system can help you pinpoint the leak's location.

Things You'll Need

  • Car jacks
  • Jack stands
  • Cinder blocks
  • Newspaper
  • UV engine dye
  • UV light
  • Put your car in the garage. Open the hood and remove the oil filler cap. Pour the UV dye into the opening where you would normally add oil. You don't need to add a lot of dye.

  • Jack your car up and place it on jack stands in the factory-approved position, as described in your owner's manual. While jacking the car up, place cinder blocks in front of and behind every wheel. This keeps the car from rolling while you are jacking it up.

  • Turn the car on and let it run for a while. Make sure your garage door is open while you do this, or you could die from carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Turn the lights in the garage off and slide under the vehicle. Make sure you are wearing clothes that can get dirty, or cover the floor with newspaper or a cloth. The car must be secure in order for you to be safely under it.

  • Shine a UV light around while you are under the car. The dye will shine brightly where the oil is leaking. Make a note of the location.