The Jeep Liberty is a mid-sized sport utility vehicle (SUV) that features power locking doors and rear lift glass. An electronic key fob locks and unlocks the doors on the SUV. If the "Lock" button is pushed when the lift glass is opened, it can trip up the remote into thinking the glass is closed, and therefore it won't shut properly. Dirt can also build up in the latch, causing it to not operate. There are several methods to troubleshoot a Jeep Liberty's rear lift glass that won't close.
Press the "Unlock" button on the key fob once.
Depress the "Lock" button on the key fob once.
Pull down on the lift glass to shut it. The glass latch should lock into place.
Locate the release button behind the latch on the tailgate.
Depress the release button.
Press down on the lift glass to close it.
Apply a few drops of liquid soap to a damp cloth.
Clean out any dirt and loose debris from the tailgate latch.
Press down on the lift glass to shut it.