Reasons for Transmission Failure

Reasons for Transmission Failure

The transmission is one of the most important components of your vehicle. Both automatic and manual transmissions work by converting the power from your engine into the actual movement of your vehicle. If your vehicle begins to experience problems that you believe are related to the transmission, you should have it inspected by a certified mechanic immediately. Transmission problems can be expensive and time-consuming to repair, so it is best if they are caught early.

Insufficient Fluid

  • Transmission fluid problems are one of the most common reasons a transmission will fail. Transmission fluid works as both coolant and lubricant for your car's transmission. When your vehicle runs low on transmission fluid or the fluid becomes too old to lubricate and cool your transmission properly, this can cause serious wear and tear on your transmission. In turn, the transmission will not shift properly, may overheat and, if left with inadequate fluid for any length of time, can fail completely.


  • Transmissions can overheat for a variety of reasons, including low fluid and towing too heavy of a load. Transmissions can burn up when they get too hot, which will lead to the transmission seizing up and requiring a complete replaced.

Driver Error

  • Rough or aggressive driving, improper shifting, running a vehicle in drive when it needs to be in overdrive or otherwise abusing and improperly operating your vehicle will cause the transmission to wear out prematurely. Driver abuse and error are the most common reasons for transmissions to fail, especially manual transmissions that are frequently shifted into the wrong gear for the rate of speed. Consistently shifting a vehicle into reverse, while it is moving forward, will almost always lead to transmission failure.