What Are Signs of Fuel Injector Trouble on a 6.0 Diesel?

What Are Signs of Fuel Injector Trouble on a 6.0 Diesel?

Over time, the fuel injectors on your Ford 6.0 diesel engine will need to be replaced. Fuel injectors are complicated parts with a number of small components that can wear out as your truck ages and your mileage increases. There are several signs to look for if you believe the fuel injectors on your diesel engine are wearing out or may need to be replaced.


  • Diesel fuel injectors can develop leaks, much the same way regular gasoline fuel injectors do. You may have a leaking fuel injector if you frequently smell fuel around the engine compartment of your truck or have noticed small puddles of fuel underneath the engine area.


  • Bad fuel injectors will affect the amount of fuel that reaches your engine. If too much fuel is getting into the engine and not being fully burned up, your exhaust may change colors to become blue, white or black due to the fuel mixture. If your truck is smoking or putting out an unusually high amount of exhaust, check your fuel injectors.

Fuel Economy

  • If your fuel injectors are not functioning correctly, either by leaking or dumping too much fuel into your engine, your fuel economy is going to decrease. If you notice your truck is not getting the same type of fuel mileage it has been or has dropped by several miles to a gallon, you will want to have your fuel injectors checked by a mechanic.

Running Poorly

  • Sometimes a fuel injector becomes clogged and does not provide the engine with enough fuel. If your vehicle starts running poorly, coughing and sputtering, you may want to check your fuel injectors as well to make sure the vehicle is receiving enough fuel.