Scooter starting problems are frustrating to the rider. Troubleshooting your scooter can help identify what parts may be malfunctioning. Start by checking the fuel in the bike. If your gas gauge is malfunctioning, you may be simply out of fuel.
The most common problem for scooters is caused by improper winter storage. Check the quality of the gas in the tank. Old gas will have a varnish-like smell to it. If the cap gasket has deteriorated, bits of it will be floating in the gas and the filter may be plugged with the material.
Check your air filter often, especially if you ride in dusty conditions. A plugged air filter can act like an engine with the choke on. However, never operation your scooter without the air filter. This will damage your scooter.
Check your spark plug wires to make sure they are connected. Check your spark plug to make sure it's functioning. The easiest way is to see if your spark plug is firing is to remove it and put it back in the spark plug cap. Be sure there is good metal contact. Head to a slightly dark area and try to start the bike. If the spark plug is good, you should see an obvious spark.