The OBD-II port in the Honda Element can be found under the steering wheel and to the right. The port is in the open, and it should require no tools to locate.
A Honda Element's trouble indicator light activates every time the OBD-II system detects a problem. To access these codes, an OBD-II code scanner can be attached to the port. Both the scanner and the Element need to be turned on, so that the two can establish a connection. The scanner will then report all the current trouble codes.
Two types of trouble codes will be stored in the Element's diagnostic system. The Society of Automotive engineers has established a generic set of codes that are relevant to all vehicles. Also, Honda will have additional trouble codes for its vehicles. OBD-II scanners come with a users guide that lists the generic codes, but the codes for Honda will have to be looked up (see References).
The OBD-II port is also called a data link connection, as it allows for multiple uses. Other diagnostic scanners and hardware can be attached to this port for a link into the Honda Element's diagnostic system as a whole.