The 1996 Chevrolet Silverado has reports of air conditioning problems, according to RepairPal, an automobile information portal. These reports pertain to problems such as air compressor replacement, actuators failing and freon leaking from hoses. Each problem is identifiable and can be repaired.
The Silverado's air compressor -- the engine component that blows cool air into the cab -- developed noise, according to RepairPal. When noise begins to be heard from the air compressor, the component is failing and it must be replaced. Technicians at RepairPal recommend that when the air compressor is replaced, a new filter kit be installed on the truck. This filtering unit prevents built-up debris in old filters from entering the new air compressor and damaging the unit.
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning -- HVAC -- air delivery mode actuator on the 1996 Chevrolet Silverado fails. The air delivery mode actuator directs air through ducts inside the cab. When this mode actuator fails, no AC is directed into the cab. It happens because of dust build-up under the console; dust gets into the mode actuator and causes it to burn out. Have the actuator replaced by a qualified mechanic because the mode actuator is difficult to access.
Freon is the chemical that allows the air compressor to cool the air that blows into the cab. The freon holding unit is under the hood of the truck and requires inspection when the Silverado is taken in for maintenance. The temperature under the hood and the cool temperature from the freon holding unit builds up condensation causing the lines and hoses of the AC unit to sweat. This sweating slowly deteriorates the hoses and lines running from the freon unit and the air compressor, causing freon to leak out. When freon leaks out, the air compressor blows warmer air into the cab instead of cold air. When an AC hose or line leaks, the hoses need to be replaced.