My 1998 Chevy Suburban Tail Lights Won't Work

My 1998 Chevy Suburban Tail Lights Won't Work

If the taillights on both sides of your 1998 Chevy Surburban failed at the same time, chances are the solution is deeper than replacing the bulbs. It is crucial to find the issue and correct it as soon as possible. Driving without taillights is not only unsafe, it is illegal in most areas.

Things You'll Need

  • Fuse puller
  • Haynes repair manual


  • Locate the electrical center located in the engine compartment. The panel is on the driver's side near the brake fluid reservoir.

  • Open the electrical center to expose the fuses.

  • Locate the fuse for the stoplamps. The fuse is the second from the bottom in the far right column of fuses.

  • Use the fuse puller to remove the fuse to see if it has blown. When a fuse is bad, the metal bar running inside the fuse will be broken.

  • Replace the bad fuse with the same amperage fuse as the one that has blown. The top of the fuse has a number representing the amperage.

Wiring Problems

  • Check all wires leading to your taillights to see if you see damage to any of them.

  • Locate the wiring diagram for your Chevy Suburban in the Haynes manual and follow all connections in the wiring diagram to see if you find a loose connection.

  • Contact a certified mechanic to diagnose any electrical problems if you are unable to find the issue on your own. Electrical issues can get worse over time, so you will be well served to have a professional find the problem if you can not.