A diesel engine uses the heat of compression to ignite the diesel fuel flowing to this type of engine in order for it to work properly. To check a diesel engine for any electrical faults or emission problems, a mechanic will use engine scan tools. These types of electronic devices can also be used on nondiesel engines but they all check for malfunctions occurring in automobile engines.
Constructed out of a hard plastic and featuring a small display screen, the PocketScan Plus Code Reader displays a diesel engine's diagnostic trouble codes to car mechanics. By attaching the PocketScan Plus Code Reader to the car's electronic system via the reader's cable, this unit scans the engine for electrical failures as well as other diesel engine malfunctions.
After the car mechanic hooks up the EZ-SCAN 6000 Diagnostic Scan Tool Kit to a car equipped with a diesel engine, this scanning tool will display trouble codes and other manufacturer-specific error codes to the mechanic. The main unit of this scanning tool kit is equipped with a large display screen that is easy to read and will work for a wide variety of car manufacturers, including GM, Ford, Chrysler and Toyota.
The OBD II Auto Scanner Scan Tool displays freeze frame data to the mechanic who properly hooks up this unit to a diesel engine's electronic system. Car mechanics can choose to view the display screen's data in English, Spanish or French. The main unit is around 6 inches long and is made out of hard plastic. The display screen is 1 1/2 wide and can also be updated via the Internet.
Designed to scan for diesel automotive problems as well as nondiesel engines, the Trilingual OBD II ABS Scan Tool displays an engine's trouble code and also prioritizes automotive problems for the auto mechanic. This unit's CodeConnect hot key built into the electronic device connects with the Internet and highlights the most important problem code that the device is reading, thus alerting the car mechanic to specific diesel engine problems.