How to Troubleshoot Jeep Electrical Problems

How to Troubleshoot Jeep Electrical Problems

Your Jeep's electrical system is very important. If there is a problem with the electrical system, it may affect multiple components such as the headlights, turn signals, the heater, instrument panel lights as well as the starter motor. In fact, the entire charging system, including the battery and the alternator, can be affected by an electrical problem on your Jeep. Thankfully, the electrical system is very basic. For every electronic component in your Jeep, there is a power and ground wire. Most systems run through the fuse panel, which will easily allow you to troubleshoot most common electrical problems.

Things You'll Need

  • Replacement fuses (if necessary)
  • Open the fuse panel in your Jeep under the steering column. You will need to pull down on the fuse panel cover to access the fuse panel.

  • Remove all of the fuses, one at a time, to check them. Use the fuse puller located in the fuse panel to remove the fuses. Check the metal strip inside all of the fuses. If any of the fuses have damaged or broken strips, replace that fuse with a fuse of the same amperage and make a note of what the fuse was for (i.e., fuel pump, ABS, starter motor, etc.). You will need to have this system checked to make sure that the related component isn't malfunctioning.

  • Take the vehicle to any auto parts store and have them run a free charging test on your vehicle's alternator. The charging test can determine whether the alternator is overcharging the system, causing the fuses to blow.

  • Check the vehicle's wiring harness that runs underneath the steering column and out to the engine bay for any frayed or burned wiring. Frayed or burned wiring can cause an electrical fire and should be dealt with immediately.