If your car starts, but the windows don't go up and down, the turn signals don't work or the windshield wipers aren't wiping, you may have an electrical problem with your car. Try troubleshooting your engine components in a Nissan Altima before contacting a mechanic to save money.
Use a multi-meter or voltage meter to make sure there are no broken wires or circuits in your system. Check if your relays are burnt out and make sure the wires go into the plug.
Look for the simplest solution first; like a blown fuse. See if your fuse needs replacing. You may need to change more than one fuse so use the fuse chart in your owner's manual to determine which fuse could be causing your particular electrical problem.
Try the fuse for the turn signals. You may have to change the fuse or replace the socket. Do the same for the hazard light fuses. Check the windshield wiper relay if the wipers won't turn on, if they delay or if the wipers won't turn off.
Determine if there are any loose wires if you suspect an electrical problem. Wires can come loose or break. Make sure all wires are connected properly and connected to the right areas.
Check your engine, if the engine service light comes on. You may have a real problem with a car component and not an electrical problem like first suspected.
Test your battery and alternator to determine if the electrical problem stems from these areas. Your battery may not be charging properly when the car starts. Once you've ruled out a battery problem, check your starter to see if it needs replacing.
Inspect taillights and signal bulbs to see if anything is broken on them. You might have to replace the whole piece. Also, check your connectors to make sure plugs are tight.