Problems with air conditioning can be quite common in automobiles. Save yourself a lot of money by avoiding a trip to the dealer to have this problem fixed by following a few easy steps to try and troubleshoot air conditioning problems in your Lincoln Navigator.
See if the problem is as simple as a blown fuse. It is probably a blown fuse if the temperature controls on the dashboard seem to work correctly but have no effect on the air. The fuse box in a Lincoln Navigator is located by the brake on the left lower side of the steering wheel. Pry off the fuse panel cover and find the blown fuse.
Have a look at the control panel next, if the controls are not working at all. First disconnect the negative battery cable. Detach the shift lever cover, and then the electrical connector. Unscrew the screws holding the trim cover on the shift panel. Disengage the four clips to pull the trim panel off.
Unplug the electrical connectors, remove four more screws, open the audio unit cover the whole way, disengage the clips in each corner and remove the climate control panel.
Listen for the blower motor to be properly working while the engine is running with the air conditioning controls turned to high. Adjust them from low to high to make sure the blower motor noise increases and decrease accordingly.
Find the blower motor in a Lincoln Navigator underneath the passenger side lower trim panel. Push the carpet back. Unplug the electrical connection from the blower motor, remove four screws and pull the motor out.