The 2005 Ford Five Hundred came with a 3.0-liter six-cylinder engine and a 6 speed automatic or constant velocity transmission. Your Five Hundred has a left and right engine mount that hold the engine to the vehicle. Both motor mounts are identical; however, the replacement process of each are slightly different. This procedure will involve lifting the engine enough to remove the engine mount, but is will within the realm of the home mechanic.
Park the vehicle on a level surface and set the parking brake. Lift the vehicle hood and support it with the hood prop rod. Lift the front of the vehicle into the air with a floor jack and place jack stands under the front frame rails. Lower the vehicle until it rests securely on the jack stands.
Remove the left exhaust manifold heat shield bolts with a socket and ratchet. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield and set it aside. Remove the upper and lower engine mount nut with a socket and ratchet.
Place a block of wood on the jack arm and position the jack under the engine oil pan. Slowly lift the engine with the floor jack until there is enough room to remove the engine mount. Allow the jack to support the engine until the new mount can be installed.
Set the engine mount into its lower mounting hole and install the nut hand tight. Slowly lower the engine and guide the upper engine mount stud into the mounting bracket. Install the upper engine mount nut hand tight. Tighten both engine mount nuts to 52 foot-pounds with a torque wrench.
Set the exhaust heat shield into place and install the mounting bolts. Tighten the heat shield bolts to 8 foot-pounds. Lift the front of the vehicle off the jack stands and remove the jack stands from under the vehicle. Lower the vehicle to the ground and shut the vehicle hood.
Park the vehicle on a level surface and set the parking brake. Lift the vehicle hood and support it with the hood prop rod. Lift the front of the vehicle into the air with a floor jack and place jack stands under the front frame rails. Lower the vehicle until it rests securely on the jack stands.
Remove the bolts securing the right hand exhaust heat shield and lower the heat shield from under the vehicle. Remove the front and nuts and bolts securing the catalytic converter to the exhaust manifold. Loosen the nut and bolt for the rear catalytic converter torca clamp with a socket and ratchet. Remove the torca clamp and separate all the exhaust hangers. Lower the rear catalytic converter from under the vehicle. Remove both gaskets and discard them. Discard the front and rear catalytic converter nuts and bolts. Inspect the torca clamp and replace as necessary.
Disconnect the oxygen sensor pigtail from the vehicle wiring harness and position it aside. Remove the nuts securing the front right catalytic converter to the right exhaust manifold with a socket and ratchet. Remove the two catalytic converter bracket bolts and lower the front catalytic converter from the engine bay, you will have to rotate it around the axle shaft slightly for removal.
Remove the bolts securing the heat shield to the exhaust manifold with a socket and ratchet. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Loosen the upper and lower engine mount nuts with a socket and ratchet. Remove the bolt securing the power steering pressure line to the right cylinder head.
Place a block of wood on the jack arm and position the jack under the oil pan. Slowly lift the jack until the engine is high enough to remove the engine mount. Allow the jack to support the engine until the new mount is installed.
Set the new mount lower stud into its mounting hole. Slowly lower the engine and guide the upper mount stud into the engine mount bracket. Install the upper and lower nuts and tighten to 52 Foot-pounds with a torque wrench.
Set the power steering pressure hose mounting bracket into place on the cylinder head and tighten the mounting nut to 62 inch-pounds. Install a new upper gasket to the front catalytic converter and lift it into position. Install new nuts and bolts and tighten to 30 foot-pounds alternating back and forth every 7 foot-pounds.
Raise the rear catalytic converter into position and install and new front gasket. Install new mounting hardware and tighten to 30 foot-pounds alternating every 7 foot-pounds. Install a new gasket to the back of the rear catalytic converter and set it into place. Install the torque clamp and tighten the bolt to 35 foot-pounds.
Lift the exhaust heat shield into place and install the mounting bolts. Tighten the heat shield mounting bolts snug with a socket and ratchet. Set the upper exhaust heat shield into place and install the mounting bolts. Tighten the heat shield bolts to 8 foot-pounds. Lift the front of the vehicle off the jack stands and remove the jack stands from under the vehicle. Lower the vehicle to the ground and shut the vehicle hood.