The Malibu nameplate was originally a trim level for the Chevrolet Chevelle. The Chevrolet Malibu model line began in 1978. The 2005 Chevrolet Malibu MAXX has an electronically controlled accelerator pedal system. The accelerator has two accelerator pedal positioning sensors that provide signals to the vehicle's computer. This part was used on the 2005 Malibu MAXX in place of the normal throttle position sensor. The accelerator pedal positioning sensors are an integral part of the accelerator pedal, and cannot be replaced individually. Replacing the accelerator pedal positioning sensors will require replacing the entire accelerator pedal assembly.
Open the driver's door of the Malibu MAXX. Position yourself so that you can easily access the accelerator pedal assembly. Remove the accelerator pedal position sensor electrical connector from the top of the accelerator pedal, by hand.
Remove the three mounting screws from the base of the accelerator, where it mounts to the accelerator pedal bracket. Use a ratchet and socket to remove the screws. Use an extension between the ratchet and socket if needed. Remove the accelerator pedal from the car.
Install the new accelerator pedal onto the accelerator pedal bracket. Install the three mounting screws, and start them in by hand to ensure proper threading. Tighten the mounting screws to 89 inch-pounds, using a 3/8-inch-drive torque wrench and socket.
Install the accelerator pedal positioning sensor electrical connector on the top of the new accelerator pedal.