The ball socket on a rear view mirror is the main source that the mirror base ball sits inside of. When the mirror is adjusted, the ball socket moves around the ball itself. Over time, excessive use and excessive vibrations can cause the thin material that makes up the ball socket to crack or break. The only way to keep the ball inside of the ball socket once it has cracked or broken is to use an adjustable hose clamp that will flex with the movement of the ball socket.
Locate the cracked or broken area around the ball socket on the base of the rear view mirror. Push the ball socket of the mirror back onto the ball of the mirror base.
Squeeze the ball socket together around the ball with the pliers to tighten the material of the ball socket around the ball.
Completely loosen an adjustable hose clamp with a flathead screwdriver and pull it apart. Wrap the hose clamp around the damaged area of the ball socket. Insert the end of the hose clamp back into the adjustable part of the hose clamp.Tighten the clamp until it barely fits around the damaged area of the ball socket.
Rotate the hose clamp so that the adjustable part of the clamp is on the bottom of the ball socket. Apply pressure on the ball socket against the ball with one hand and tighten the hose clamp around the ball socket with the screwdriver. The hose clamp will tighten the damaged ball socket around the base ball. Once the hose clamp is tight, slowly move the rear view mirror back and forth to ensure that the hose clamp is not too tight.
Loosen and tighten the hose clamp as needed to keep the proper amount of tension on the ball socket and the mirror base ball. The mirror should be able to turn with a small amount of resistance. Cut the end of the hose clamp off near the base of the clamp adjuster with the wire cutters. This will prevent the excess hose clamp from sticking out.