If the fan clutch on the GMC Envoy malfunctions, the fan will not turn fast enough, if at all, to cool. This causes the vehicle to overheat, so it must be changed promptly. Some brands feature a sliastic seal -- a combo of silicone and plastic -- for quieter operation. The fan clutch also has a fluid relief channel so that the clutch doesn't fully engage on a cold start. For longevity, certain brands also have a heavy-duty bearing and an anodized shaft.
Remove the bolts holding the fan shroud in place. If your Envoy has a one-piece shroud, push it over the fan to gain access to the clutch, and if it is a two-piece shroud, remove the top half of the shroud.
Remove the large center bolt, using the 36 mm wrench. Remove the four small bolts with the appropriate socket. Unplug the wiring harness connector. The clutch is a thread-on type -- loosen the clutch clockwise to remove it.
Thread the new fan clutch onto the fan. Install the small bolts and tighten them snugly. Install the large center bolt and tighten it firmly. Reinstall the fan shroud and tighten the bolts snugly. Plug in the wiring harness connector.