Failing to polarize a 6 volt regulator can cause damage to the entire electrical system of a vehicle or machine. If the battery dies, or if the battery or regulator is disconnected from the electrical circuit, the regulator must be polarized before it can turn the engine over again. Polarization matches the electrical memory of the regulator to that of the generator. It may sound complicated, but fortunately polarizing the regulator is an easy job.
Locate the volt regulator on your vehicle or machine. It is usually square with five or six terminal screws on its face. It is connected by a positive wire to the generator. (The generator is the first electric motor connected to the positive cable of the battery.)
Locate the terminal on the regulator that is marked "A," if your regulator has five terminals. Locate the two terminals marked "B" if your regulator has six terminals.
Clip your jumper wire to your battery terminal. Find the terminal marked "F" (for fuel terminal) on the regulator. Touch the free end of the jumper wire to the "F" terminal twice for less than a second each time. You have now polarized your regulator.