A damaged glass panel on the top of your sunroof not only affects the performance of your sunroof, but it can also be a serious safety issue. If the glass has become broken, it could result in shards of glass falling onto those in the vehicle. To solve this issue you need to remove the sunroof glass and replace it with a new one. You can order a replacement glass panel from your local auto-parts store or an online supplier
Enter the inside of your vehicle. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws which are attached to the headliner and the wind deflector. Pull them both away from the sunroof. Keep the screws in a safe place as you will need to reattach them later.
Locate the clamps which fix the glass panel to the top of the sunroof. You will find four clamps on the four corners of the glass.
Use a socket wrench to loosen the bolts attached to the clamps. Lift the clamps from around the glass panel.
Put on a pair of protective gloves and lift the panel away from the sunroof and replace it with a new one.
Use the socket wrench to tighten the clamp bolts to fix the clamps around the new glass window. Reenter the vehicle and reattach the headliner and wind deflector by securing them in place with the Phillips screwdriver.