There are a number of reasons why the windows on your Lexus may have stopped working correctly. The window pane itself may have become damaged or the window regulator may have become stuck. Solving the problem will take you around an hour to determine the problem and carry out the necessary repairs. You can purchase all the tools and components you need to complete the work from your local auto parts store.
Lift up the hood of your Lexus. Use a socket wrench to remove the clamp bolt from the negative terminal. Remove the cable from the terminal.
Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws from the door handle and the inner door panel. Place the screws on a magnetic dish to keep them in a safe area. Lift the door handle and door panel away from the door.
Check the bolts which connect the window to the window regulator to ensure they have not become rusted or detached. The window regulator is the metallic cross shaped component below the door to which the window connects to. Remove the bolts which hold them together using a hex wrench. Insert new hex bolts between the two.
Use your hands to move the window regulator up and down. If the regulator won't move you will need to replace it. Remove the lower mounting bolts attached to the regulator. Unhook the electrical connector which connects the regulator to the motor. Pull the regulator away from the door. Insert a new regulator and secure it in place by attaching the mounting bolts.
Check the electrical wiring which connects the regulator motor to the wiring harness underneath the dashboard. Use your hands to make sure the wiring is securely connected to the motor and the dash. Reconnect the door handle and door panel to the door by securing it in place with the screws. Reattach the negative battery cable to the battery terminal. Check to make sure you window now works correctly. Repeat the process on the rest of your windows.