Produced from 1999 through 2004, the Chrysler 300M represents the ninth generation of the full-size "300" vehicle series. All Chrysler 300M vehicles feature a 3.5-liter V-6 engine, mated to a four-speed automatic transmission. The purge valve solenoid located within the engine compartment, regulates the amount of fuel vapor contained within the evaporative emission control system. When the fuel vapors inside the vehicle's fuel tank reach a predetermined pressure level, the purge valve solenoid directs the fuel vapor into the engine's intake system. Replacing a faulty purge valve solenoid will keep the emission control system in proper working order. (ref#1,3)
Open the vehicle's hood.
Examine the engine compartment and locate the purge valve solenoid, mounted on the firewall, to the left of the brake fluid reservoir. The purge valve solenoid features a two-wire connection harness, two vacuum hose connections and a black plastic housing.
Remove the wire harness connector from the purge valve solenoid. Carefully remove the vacuum hose connections from the purge valve.
Grasp the exterior housing of the purge valve solenoid and remove the component from the mounting bracket. The purge valve solenoid simply slides into the tongue of the mounting bracket and does not require any tools for the removal process.
Install the new purge valve solenoid onto the mounting bracket. Connect the vacuum tubes to the appropriate vacuum ports on the purge valve solenoid.
Connect the wire harness plug to the purge valve solenoid to complete the installation process.