Tail lights warn vehicles behind you of your actions on the wheel and are very important for safe driving. Wiring a tail light in a Toyota vehicle is usually not necessary because it uses a wiring harness that connects the wires together. In rare occasions the wiring harness can become damaged and need replacing and then you will need to wire the tail light to have the tail light in operational condition. The majority of Toyota models use the same wiring configuration so wiring the tail light and harness should be simple regardless of vehicle model.
Turn off the car and remove the neutral wire from the car battery to prevent electrocution. Use the adjustable wrench to loosen the battery cable from the battery to remove it.
Strip all the tail light wires from the car with the wire stripper leaving 1/4 of an inch of bare wire.
Insert a butt splice connector into each of the bare wires. Use the end of the wire stripper to clamp down on the butt splice connector to secure it to the bare wire.
Strip all the ends of the wires from the wiring harness leaving 1/4 of an inch of bare wire.
Line up the wires from the wiring harness to the same colored wire from the tail light wires of the car. Place the end of the bare harness wires into the butt splice connector of the same colored wire from the cars tail light wiring. Use the end of the wire stripper to clamp down on the butt splice connector to secure the wires in place.
Connect the taillight to the wiring harness by pushing the harness into the taillight connector in place.
Reconnect the car battery wire and turn on the car. Now test to make sure the tail light is working. Press the brakes and turn on the car lights to make sure it is working correctly. If it is not working correctly remove the battery wires again and check to make sure none of the cables became loose.