8N Carburetor Problems

8N Carburetor Problems

Instead of attempting to troubleshoot your carburetor without knowing what the problem is, consider the different sources that may be contributing to the trouble. You don't want to damage the carburetor more than it already is.

Float Setting

  • Check the float setting, which should be a quarter inch off the flat surface. The float valve should be completely screwed in and the float pivot should be placed correctly.


  • Make sure that the idle speed screw, the idle mixture screw and the main mixture screw are tightly screwed in. The idle speed screw is near the throttle lever. The idle mixture screw can be found near the manifold. The main mixture screw should be on the top of the carburetor, towards the front.


  • You may need to remove and clean the carburetor. You can soak the carburetor in carburetor cleaner and clean it out completely. Once it's replaced, you may find that it runs perfectly.