The tensioner pulley on the Hyundai Sonata engine is located in the front of the engine compartment on the passenger side of the engine. The pulley is attached to the engine block with a bolt and can be removed without too much trouble in less than a half hour with a socket wrench. The tensioner pulley is designed to keep tension on the serpentine belt and make removing engine parts easier with the use of one belt.
Open the hood of the Hyundai Sonata and locate the tensioner pulley in the center of the pulleys on the left hand side. The tensioner pulley is spring-adjusted and has an arm attached to the pulley wheel.
Place a socket wrench over the bolt on the tensioner pulley and rotate the wrench clockwise to relieve the tension on the serpentine belt.
Remove the belt from the tensioner pulley while you are relieving the tension on the belt and let the tensioner arm move back into place with the belt off the pulley.
Loosen the bolt on the tensioner pulley with a socket wrench and remove the assembly with the pulley from the Hyundai Sonata engine compartment.