Before repairing the air conditioner compressor on a 1998 Acura Integra, troubleshoot the exact ailment. Items such as shaft seals and clutches may be easy to obtain, but some damage done to the compressor may not be easy to fix. Check the fuses, drive belt and hoses for damage. If smaller repairs do not solve the problem, then replacing the compressor entirely can be done with the proper tools.
Start the Integra, and turn on the air conditioning. Listen for a scrapping sound that coincides with the compressor being turned on. If this noise is present, replace the compressor's drive belt. Making sure the engine is cool, open the hood and remove the compressor belt that runs alongside the A/C compressor. Install a new compressor belt, following the pulley system as seen before removal.
Start the Integra. If you hear a very loud knocking noise coming from beneath the hood that dissipates once the engine is off, then remove the compressor. First, drain the refrigerant from the A/C unit, then remove the compressor's drive serpentine belt. Unplug the electrical connector and remove the manifold assembly. Use a ratchet and socket set to remove the bolts holding the compressor in place, then remove the unit.
Change the air-conditioner compressor's fuse. The fuse box is located beneath the hood, next to the battery. The fuse you will want to change is for the cooling fan motor, and requires 7.5 amps. It is located on the left end of the fuse box, third from the far left spare fuse on the top row. Simply pull this fuse out of the box, then replace with a 7.5 amp replacement fuse.
Check the coolant levels if your A/C system is overheated. Also, ensure there are no leaks coming from the hoses or tubes of the A/C system. Leaks can be repaired by replacing the hoses and tubes connecting the A/C systems. Coolant can easily be replenished.
Assemble the clutch by installing the field coil with a snap ring. Align the clutch field coil with the index pins, then install the clutch spacer to adjust the clutch air cap on the compressor. Install the clutch plate and clutch retaining nut to hold the clutch to the air compressor unit.
Place the A/C compressor back into its manifold assembly. Secure the bolts with a socket and ratchet, and place the manifold assembly back into the Integra. Plug in the field coil electrical connector.
Install the serpentine drive belt by following the diagram located on the underside of the Integra's hood. Ensure the belt runs flat and smoothly amongst the pulley system.
Pour PAG oil and refrigerant into the A/C unit. Check the A/C system for leaks and test the system.