Piston rings for a Toyota 22RE engine are available in ductile iron and chrome. Ductile iron is the most common and easily sealed where the chrome are designed for dusty climatic zones. They last longer under these circumstances however are more difficult to seal, meaning they take up to 1,500 miles to seal as opposed to 50 to 75 miles on iron. Both rings are subject to breakage if overstressed when installed. They must be installed correctly and the gaps staggered appropriately.
Lay the box of rings on its side and open the top of the box. If you have opened the right side of the box you will notice that the rings are separated into three groups and each group is numbered on the box. The numbering is by groove, first, second and third. The third groove is the first to be installed. These are the oil rings and are installed in the largest diameter groove at the bottom of the piston closest to the rod. The second groove in the middle and the first at the top.
Notice that the first and second rings are compression rings and have a dot located close to one end of the gap and on the top side. Top side means "this end up." One dot is the top ring and two dots are the second ring.
Lay the box of rings on its side and open the top of the box. If you have opened the right side of the box you will notice that the rings are separated into three groups and each group is numbered on the box. The numbering is by groove, first, second and third. The third groove is the first to be installed. These are the oil rings and are installed in the largest diameter groove at the bottom of the piston closest to the rod. The second groove in the middle and the first at the top.
Notice that the first and second rings are compression rings and have a dot located close to one end of the gap and on the top side. Top side means "this end up." One dot is the top ring and two dots are the second ring.
Install the center oil spreader spring first. This is the one wide spring with holes in it. Spiral the ring down the piston and into the lower groove. Spread the spring just enough to fit over the piston.
Install the next steel ring in the lower part of the oil spreader ring. Spiral the steel ring down the piston, over the spreader ring and into the lower part of the groove. Small tangs can be seen around the circumference of the oil spreader ring. The steel ring must fit above these tangs and into the lower groove. The ring can't go anywhere else when in place. Make sure that the ends of the oil spreader are not overlapping.
Use your fingers to turn the lower steel ring so that the gap in this ring is 45 degree away from the gap in the spreader.
Install the last steel ring in the same way but plan to install it so the gap is 180 degrees from the lower steel ring gap and that it fits into the top of the lower groove. Once installed make sure that the steel ring gaps are opposite each other and both 45 degrees away from the spreader ring.
Install the second groove or middle groove ring next. It will have two dots indicating the second ring and this side up. Install the ring expander onto the ring by placing the end gaps into the ring expander with the dots up. Hold the ring perfectly level on the top of the piston.
Squeeze the expander just barely enough to expand the ring enough to allow it to slide down the piston and into the middle groove. Once in the groove, place the ring gap 45 degrees away from the top steel ring in the oil groove.
Install the single dot top ring in the same manner making sure to have the gap 180 degrees away from the gap in the middle ring.
Place a piece of rubber hose on the ends of the studs on the connecting rod to protect the cylinders from being scratched when the piston is installed. Hold the piston sideways over a drain bucket and pour just enough motor oil over the piston and rings to coat them well.
Install the ring compressor over the piston and rings and tighten it until the rings are compressed into their respective grooves. Install the piston into the cylinder with the dot on the top of the piston facing forward. Gently tap the ring compressor with the hammer to make sure the compressor is flush with the block.
Turn the hammer around and use the handle and gently, but forcefully tap the piston down into the cylinder until the piston is clear of the compressor. Install all the rings and pistons in this manner.