How to Install an Automatic Transmission Seal on a Jeep

The transmission seal, or gasket, on your Jeep is attached along the inside rim of your transmission pan. Your Jeep's automatic transmission requires the use of transmission fluid to keep the moving parts of your transmission well lubricated so that your gears don't grind out. When installed, the gasket forms a seal between your transmission pan and the transmission and keeps fluid from leaking out.

Things You'll Need

  • Jack
  • Jack stands
  • Drip pan
  • Putty knife
  • Gasket sealant
  • Funnel
  • 5 qts. automatic transmission fluid
  • Raise the rear end of your Jeep with the jack. Lower the vehicle onto the jack stands for support.

  • Remove the transmission fluid drain plug and drain the transmission fluid into your drip pan. Set it aside to add back to your transmission later, or you can replace the drained fluid with fresh fluid. Insert the drain plug and tighten it with your socket set.

  • Remove the bolts that line the perimeter of your transmission pan. Once they are removed, use a screwdriver or the putty knife to help pry the pan off if need be.

  • Remove the remnants of the old gasket from your Jeep's transmission pan, using the putty knife.

  • Apply a line of gasket sealant around the perimeter of your entire gasket. Press the gasket against the transmission and hold it there for several seconds. Apply a line of the sealant around the transmission pan, then hold it up and press it to the transmission.

  • Insert the transmission pan bolts, then tighten them with your socket set.

  • Raise your Jeep above the jack stands. Remove the stands and lower the Jeep to the ground.

  • Raise the hood and prop it open. Remove your Jeep's transmission fluid dipstick from the rear driver's side of the engine compartment. Insert the funnel and add either the fluid you drained earlier or 4 to 5 quarts of fresh transmission fluid.