How to Install a Honda Civic Engine

How to Install a Honda Civic Engine

Many try to take a hands-on approach when it comes to modifying or repairing his or her own car. Some of these processes are far more easily accomplished than others, and truthfully, installing an engine isn't one of them. However, if you have at least a basic foundation of mechanical skills, it is quite possible that you can install a Honda engine with some assistance and research.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Protective eye wear
  • New engine
  • Power tools
  • New engine mounts (if necessary)
  • Engine hoist
  • Engine stand


  • Assemble the engine and tools to ensure you have what you need to complete the engine installation.

  • Place the car on jack stands or on a hydraulic lift.

  • Clear out the engine compartment of all components other than the engine mounts.

  • Evaluate the existing engine mounts. If you suspect the mounts will cause too much vibration or engine movement, you will want to find replacement mounts before continuing with the engine installation.

Installing the Engine

  • Attach the engine to the engine hoist. Confirm that the mounting points are aligned properly; lower the engine into place. Seek assistance for this step.

  • Attach the exhaust headers, shielding, pulleys and power steering pump to the engine.

  • Attach the radiator, fans, water pump and air-conditioner compressor.

  • Install the engine's belts, distributor, alternator and electrical harnesses.

  • Reconnect fuel lines and engine coolant hoses. Add the correct amount of oil and coolant before attempting to start up your new engine.