How to Fix a Door Handle on a '94 Olds Cutlass Supreme

How to Fix a Door Handle on a '94 Olds Cutlass Supreme

The 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme does not commonly have issues with the door handles as the mechanism doesn't have a lot of moving parts. However, this Oldsmobile's outer handle is metal which can rust, especially in humid climates and the inner handle is plastic which becomes brittle over time and can simply snap off. Fortunately, replacing a door handle is one of the easier car repairs to do yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Basic tool set
  • Drill
  • 3/16-inch drill bit
  • Rivet tool
  • 3/16-inch rivets
  • Pliers
  • New door handle

Outer Door Handle Removal

  • While looking at the inside of the door, pry off the press-board door panel with a flat head screwdriver, taking it around the edges and popping the retaining clips out of the little holes in the door frame. The clips should come out fairly easily if you go slowly.

  • Grab the edge of the clear plastic water shield that covers the inside of the door and peel it back off the adhesive that holds it to the door frame. Roll the window all the way up.

  • Pry the remote rod, a metal arm that connects the handle to the door latch, out of the handle using a small flat-head screwdriver. Leave the other end of the rod hanging in the door latch.

  • Drill out the rivets that secure the handle to the door with the 3/16-inch drill bit by placing the bit in the center of the rivet and boring out the core.

  • Lift off the handle from the outside.

Outer Door Handle Installation

  • Place the new handle in the now-vacant slot.

  • Secure the handle with 3/16-inch rivets and a rivet tool by placing a rivet in the tool and putting it in the old rivet hole and squeezing the handle of the rivet tool firmly. The rivet should smash itself inward and outward securing the joint.

  • Put the remote rod back into the handle linkage.

  • Install the water shield by pressing the edges of the sheet of plastic back onto the adhesive. Put the door panel back on by pressing the retaining clips back into their respective holes in the door frame.

Inner Door Handle Removal

  • Remove the door panel and water shield as explained above.

  • Disconnect the rod from the handle.

  • Remove the center rivet pins, located crosswise through the rivets that secure the handle, using a set of pliers.

  • Place the 3/16-inch drill bit in the center of the head of the rivet and drill straight down removing the core of the rivet.

  • Lift out the handle from the door.

Inner Door Handle Installation

  • Place the new handle into the empty slot.

  • Secure the handle with 3/16 inch rivets using the rivet tool.

  • Place the rod back into the handle linkage.

  • Press the edges of the clear plastic water shield back onto the adhesive and then put the door panel back in place by pushing the retaining clips back into their respective holes on the door frame.