The wooden dashboard on your Jaguar is composed of several wooden components. Removing the components and various panels is actually fairly simple as most can be pried off with only a slotted screwdriver. There are several components of the Jaguar's wooden dashboard, so you should be prepared to spend close to an hour removing them all. Although lengthy, it is a simple task. Once removed, you can clean, repair, or even replace the various components of the Jaguar's dash.
Remove the four screws from the top of the glove box and the four bolts underneath the glove box.
Use a slotted screwdriver to pry out the wooden panel underneath the glove box.
Pry out all of the wooden panels along the dashboard. There is one underneath the steering wheel, one around the instrument cluster, and two on the steering wheel.
Remove the wood panel around the center console that contains the radio.
Remove the six screws securing the wooden dashboard to the Jaguar. There are four along the windshield and one on each side of the dash.