Wind noise in a Jeep Wrangler is caused by a removable soft top or hardtop not sealing properly with the body of the truck (remember that some amount of wind and road noise is considered normal for these vehicles). The noise may occur over time or be the result of flawed top-installation or fit. There are several ways to minimize the amount of wind noise that you hear while driving your Jeep Wrangler. Whether you will be able to eliminate the noise depends on the age and condition of both your Jeep and its top.
Inspect your soft top or hardtop carefully. Check for cracks, tears and other flaws that allow air to flow under the top to create additional noise. Pay special attention to the clips that fasten the soft top to the vehicle body. A broken clip can cause the entire top to flap, creating significant wind noise.
Check the fit of your Jeep's top. One key to reducing windshear noise in a Jeep is to make sure the top is fitted as snugly as possible to the vehicle. The older a top is, especially with soft tops, the more likely it is the top has stretched or warped to create a gap or area where the wind can cause the top to flap or make noise.
Repair damaged areas of the top. Patch any holes with a patch designed for the material.
Replace weather stripping. Old weather stripping can cause additional wind noise by not allowing the top to seal properly. Remove all old weather stripping and replace it with new weather stripping, which you can find at your local auto parts store along with the proper adhesive. The location of the weather stripping will vary depending on if you have a TJ, YJ, CJ or JK Wrangler as well as what model and type of top you have. In most cases, there will be weather stripping across the front of the top where it meets the windshield for a soft top, and all around the edges of the hard top.
Replace top with a new one, if necessary. In some cases, a top may have to be replaced in order to significantly reduce wind noise. To avoid wind noise in the future, take good care of your new top and maintain it as well as you can. A hardtop and hard doors are not quite as noisy as a soft top with zipper or partial doors. Consider upgrading to a hardtop if the wind noise really bothers you. However, be aware that a replacement hardtop and hard doors are significantly more expensive than a new soft top and may not stop the noise completely.
Drive your Jeep Wrangler at lower speeds. Higher speeds create more windshear noise.