The overhead console in a Dodge truck provides convenience for vehicle occupants in the form of twin map lights and small storage compartments. The console is centrally located between the driver and passenger seats, mounted to the Dodge's ceiling. If the overhead console breaks, it may no longer function as designed and quickly becomes an eyesore. If you're handy with tools and you need to replace the overhead console in your Dodge truck, you can remove the existing one in about 15 minutes.
Slide the tip of the Phillips-head screwdriver between the center console body and the left map light lens. Pry the map light lens out gently with the trim tool. Repeat on the right map light.
Remove the screws exposed by removing the map lights using your Phillips-head screwdriver.
Pry the front of the overhead console down from the ceiling gently with the trim tool. Grab the body of the overhead console and remove it from the Dodge truck's ceiling.