The fuel pump on your vehicle moves the fuel from the gas tank through the fuel injection system. The fuel pump is powered by an electronic device known as a relay, which is similar to but slightly more powerful than your vehicle's fuses. Your vehicle's relays are located inside the main relay panel inside the engine compartment. It should take you approximately 10 minutes to change the fuel pump relay in your vehicle.
Raise the hood of your vehicle and prop it open. Remove the negative battery cable. Do this whenever you are making electrical repairs on your vehicle, as it prevents the chance of accidentally shorting circuits out.
Locate the main relay panel in your vehicle, which is usually located near the battery. Consult your owner's manual if necessary to determine its exact location.
Remove the relay panel cover, which on most vehicles will just pull off. Some are screwed on, however, so you will need to detach the screw.
Examine the inside of the relay panel cover. There will be a relay diagram there that shows which relays control which parts and functions.
Pull out the fuel pump relay and plug the new one in by hand. Replace the relay panel cover.
Reconnect and tighten the negative battery cable.