When carburetors were used on cars, the ground system was simple and straightforward. A heavy wire ran from the battery to the engine block, and a small wire ran from the battery to the car's body. Things have changed. Electronic fuel injection functions much better with several smaller grounds that are located in various places on the engine block instead of one. Electricity always seeks the path of least resistance, and multiple grounds greatly facilitate this. This grounding method is suitable for all cars.
Strip 1/2 an inch of the insulation off the end of 10-gauge wire, using a wire crimp tool. Make sure that the wire is cut to fit from the engine block to the metal components on the vehicle's inner fenders and firewall. Fit crimp connectors on the ends of the wire and crimp them in place.
Install a heavy battery cable that goes from the engine block to the negative battery terminal. Use a wrench to tighten the cable onto the battery and engine block. Located on the battery connection is a 10-gauge wire that's part of the main connector. Cut a 10-gauge wire that will run from the battery to the car body. Crimp the wire to the connector coming from the battery cable and crimp another connector on the opposite end. Locate an area on the body where an existing bolt attaches and install the wire securely to the body. Make sure there is bare metal where the bolt attaches. Scrape away paint if necessary.
Install two or three additional prepared wires from the engine block to the body of the car. Make sure that the wires are attached securely and that no paint interferes with the wire connector.