The feel of a car's clutch is a very personal thing to many drivers. Some drivers prefer a clutch with more travel, while others want a pedal that is very responsive. If you are the owner of a 2001 Subaru Legacy, adjusting the clutch pedal height is a simple task. This also comes in handy after performing repairs on the manual transmission. A couple of tools and about 15 minutes of your time is all you should need.
Position yourself under the driver's side dash of the car so you have a view of the pedals. Locate the master cylinder push rod, directly above the gas pedal.
Use a 12 mm wrench to remove the locking nut on the clevis, where it attaches to the push rod. Follow the push rod and you will see a small nut with a cotter pin sticking through it.
Use a pair of needle nose pliers to grip the clevis pin and pull it out.
Grasp the master cylinder push rod with the pliers and rotate it about six turns clockwise. Re-insert the cotter pin and check the pedal height. The optimum height is just a little higher than the brake pedal. It can be a little higher, but any lower may cause the clutch not to engage.
Replace the locking nut on the clevis once you have the pedal at the desired height.