How do I Repair the Washer Motor for GMC Trucks?

How do I Repair the Washer Motor for GMC Trucks?

The washer motor in a GMC truck forces windshield wiper fluid to squirt out onto the windshield as the vehicle's wipers clean the glass. If your washer motor fails, the best solution is to simply replace the mechanism. Replacing the washer motor in a GMC truck is a simple project that should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. The only tools required for this job are a socket wrench and a Phillips screwdriver.

Things You'll Need

  • Socket wrench
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Replacement washer motor
  • Open the GMC truck's hood and use a socket wrench to disconnect the vehicle's battery.

  • Unplug the electrical connector and the washer hose from the pump.

  • Remove the two attaching screws and lift out the washer fluid reservoir.

  • Remove the motor from the reservoir and install a replacement motor.

  • Place the reservoir back into the vehicle and reinstall its two screws. Reconnect its hose and electrical connector and reconnect the truck's battery.