The instrument cluster in your Audi TT provides the driver with key information such as the speed, fuel levels and oil temperature. If you notice any problems with your instrument cluster you should remove it to either repair or replace it. If it is a case of having broken bulbs in the dash, you need to simply replace the bulbs in the dash. For more serious problems you should replace the entire cluster.
Enter the drives seat of your Audi TT. Pull the lever on the lower left hand side of the drivers seat which opens up the hood. Open the hood completely up and support it with the hood stand. Use a wrench to remove the bolt clamp on the negative battery terminal. Lift the negative cable away from the battery terminal.
Press in the locking tabs behind the steering wheel which allow you to alter the height of the wheel. Lower the steering wheel to its lowest possible position within the steering column. This will provide you with the best access to the instrument cluster.
Use a phillips-head screwdriver to remove the two screws which fix the rubber bezel around the instrument cluster. Pull the bezel away from the dash.
Remove the mounting screws attached to the instrument cluster. Slide the cluster out of the dash. Remove the electrical wiring from the rear of the cluster. Remove the entire cluster from the dash and place on a clear work space.
Unscrew the broken bulbs from the instrument cluster by turning them in a counterclockwise direction until they come free from the cluster. Install the new bulbs by attaching them to the dash and turning them in the opposite direction. Discard all broken bulbs in either the recycling to the trash.
Reattach the instrument cluster to the dash or install a new one by following the removal steps in reverse. Reconnect the negative cable to the battery terminal and fix in place with the bolt clamp. Turn on the engine the check that the instrument cluster is working correctly.