Most vehicles manufactured by Chrysler are equipped with built-in computerized error code checking. Older Chrysler vehicles have two-digit error codes while the PT cruiser has longer codes and mostly starts with a P. The vehicle's user manual has the PT Cruiser's diagnostic chart located in the reference section for easy reading. You can troubleshoot your PT Cruiser at home to help save costly repairs.
Check the vehicle error by toggling the key from Run to Off three times. You need to do it slowly and give time for the odometer dashboard to light up before you switch to off, otherwise it will not work.When the procedure is done correctly, the odometer will display the error code on the dashboard and if there is none, the display will say "Done."
Find out what the error code is from the dashboard. Check the reference section of the user manual to check what the error code means.
Troubleshoot the engine problems. Some errors you can fix yourself but others need professional help, depending on your car knowledge.
Check the two-speed radiator fan located in the in the front of the car to make sure it is properly working. If not, check the cable if it has not been disconnected or take it to the service center t get it fixed. This code would show up on the PT Cruiser P1484, Catalytic Converter Overheat Detected.
Take your car to your local dealer or auto repair shop to get the vehicle checked.