Knowing how to repair and replace your air conditioning system during hot weather will save you money and keep you cool in searing temperatures. Instructions for the 2001 model Dakota will also work on 2002 to 2004 models as well as 2001 to 2003 Dodge Durangos. You can remove the air conditioning compressor safely at home but only after you have discharged the refrigerant into an Environmental Protection Agency-approved recovery or recycling unit. These are located at local service dealers or an air conditioning repair facility. A replacement compressor must be compatible with R-134a refrigerant.
Discharge the air conditioning system. Have an authorized automotive dealer or air conditioner repair shop perform the task.
Place the 15 mm wrench on the automatic tensioner, located at the bottom left side of the serpentine belt when facing the truck engine, and rotate clockwise.
Pull the belt from the pulley.
Lay the tensioner down carefully and finish removing the belt from the other pulleys.
Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery.
Disconnect the compressor clutch electrical connector located in the middle of the compressor.
Disconnect the refrigerant lines from the compressor, which are located on the top of the compressor. These are retained by a bolt on top, between the two lines which you must remove.
Plug the hose inlets and the compressor inlet to avoid dust or other contaminants from getting into the system. You can use clean shop rags, plastic caps, or any clean item. Avoid using tape as it leaves a gummy residue.
Unbolt the compressor from the mounting brackets and lift the compressor out of the engine. The mounts are located around the compressor unit. On 3.9 liter, 5.2 liter and 5.9 liter 2001 Dakotas you must remove the radiator hose from its support bracket and move it slightly.
Install the new compressor; installation is the reverse of removal. After you have bolted it into the mounting bracket, install new lubricated O-rings. The O-rings and lubricant oil must be compatible with R-134a refrigerant.
Evacuate and recharge the air conditioning system.