Repairing a window on your GMC Yukon is an difficult endeavor. To remove the old window, the entire door-trim panel must be removed. In addition, it is also dangerous as you can slice yourself with the replacement window if you are not careful. Repairing your Yukon's window requires a socket wrench, a Phillips screwdriver, and a slotted screwdriver. The entire procedure can take anywhere from one to two hours depending on your experience level.
Lower the window into the door. If you are replacing a shattered window, make sure to remove as much of the broken glass as you can. Turn off the engine, open the hood, and disconnect the battery from the Yukon with a socket wrench.
Remove the Yukon's window handle by pressing down on the door panel and using a slotted screwdriver to remove the window handle retaining clip. Pull off the door lock knob as well. Use the slotted screwdriver to pry off the armrest from the door-trim panel. Snap off the clips around the door with a slotted screwdriver and, slowly, remove the door-trim panel from the door. Disconnect the two electrical harnesses from the door-trim panel before pulling it off the door.
Remove the vent-window assembly by removing the channel bolt with a socket wrench. Remove the two screws from the assembly with a socket wrench. Pull the assembly out of the vehicle by pulling the top of the assembly away from the door frame.
Slide the old window until it is secured by the slot behind the front roller. Remove the front roller from the door. Pull the window straight up and out of the door.
Place the new window onto the door and reinstall the front roller. Slide the new window onto the roller and reattach the vent-window assembly. Reassemble the door trim panel and reconnect the battery.