The 2001 Chevy Silverado has a window motor in each door to supply power to open or close the window. The window motor has a small gear in its nose that turns a corresponding gear on the Silverado's window regulator in order to perform this task. If the window motor seizes or short circuits, you'll lose control of your power window in that door until you replace the motor. If you're skilled in auto-repair, you can perform this job in about one hour.
Pry the window switch from the Silverado's door panel using a trim tool. Unplug the switch from the window harness by hand and set it aside.
Remove the hex-head screws from the door panel using the socket set. Depending on your Silverado's interior trim package, you may need to pry out trim covers with the trim tool to access all the screws.
Lift the Silverado's door panel upward two inches to clear the lock knob before removing the panel from the door by hand.
Raise the window glass by hand until you can secure it to the top of the door with the packing tape.
Remove the two bolts holding the faulty window motor to the door and regulator with the socket set. Pull the old motor out of the door through the access hole. Insert the new motor into position by hand.
Bolt the new window motor to the Silverado's door and window regulator using the socket set. Put the door panel back on the Silverado in reverse of how you removed it. Take all the tape off the door and glass before operating the new window motor.