The Jeep Cherokee uses a serpentine belt system instead of V-belts. This means that one long belt operates all the accessories. The belt is kept on track with the use of an idler pulley, and an automatic tensioner keeps tension on the belt. If the idler pulley malfunctions, the pulley may wobble or it may make grinding noises and might be difficult to turn. If it is difficult to turn, it will eventually lock up and destroy the belt. You should check the idler and tensioner pulleys anytime you remove the belt.
Bolt the new idler pulley onto the idler arm, if the piece is available separately. If not, bolt the idler assembly to the engine block, using the appropriate socket. Tighten the bolts firmly.
Route the serpentine belt around the pulleys, using the belt routing diagram located on the radiator support or the underside of the hood, starting on the crankshaft pulley and leaving the tensioner pulley until last.
Slide the appropriate socket onto the bolt in the center of the tensioner pulley. Rotate the tensioner pulley toward the center of the engine. Slide the belt over the tensioner pulley. Allow the tensioner to move gently back into place to put tension on the belt.