Blower motor resistor circuits often become distorted after a period of time. The placement of the resistors allow debris to fill the surrounding areas. This debris, along with heat from the blower motor itself, damages the circuits on the resistor. If the lower settings on your Malibu's air conditioning or heater do not blow any air from the vents, it is likely the blower motor resistor needs to be replaced. Fortunately, you can complete the replacement in a few minutes.
Remove the passenger side lower trim panel. Pop up the center of the retaining push-pins using a small standard screwdriver. When the center of the pin raised, pull the push-pins from the trim panel. Pull the panel away from the dashboard and remove it from the interior.
Slide the Body Control Module, the rectangular black component under the glove box, to the right to remove it from the retaining bracket. Set it aside without disconnecting the wiring connections.
Detach the electrical connection to the blower motor resister, located just behind the metal blower motor housing. The flanges on the side of the electrical connection may have to be separated from the tabs on the resister connection with a small standard screwdriver.
Remove the retaining screws holding the blower motor resistor to the blower motor with a Phillips screwdriver. Pull the resistor from the blower motor housing.
Insert the replacement blower motor resistor into the housing. Install the retaining screws attaching the resistor to the blower motor housing with a Phillips screwdriver.
Plug the electrical connector into the end of the blower motor resistor.
Slide the BCM back onto the bracket under the glove box.
Place the lower passenger side trim panel into place. Place the push-pins into the trim panel to hold it to the dashboard. Push the center of the push-pins into the pin to engage them.