The air conditioning system on your 2002 Honda Civic needs service if it no longer produces cold air. Usually a low freon level accounts for the problem. Restore the air conditioning in your car by charging the system with freon. A 2002 Honda Civic takes R-134a freon, which you can purchase at most auto supply stores.
Put together the R-134a recharge kit by connecting the charging hose with the can of freon.
Start the Honda Civic's engine and let it warm up to its normal running temperature. Then turn the air conditioner setting to "max" and put the fan on full speed.
Open the hood of the car and find the low-side port. It is on the metal line located towards the front of the engine, on the driver's side. Remove the cap from the port.
Shake the can of freon vigorously, then attach the charging hose connector to the low-side port on your vehicle. Gently tug on the hose to ensure the connector is securely locked into the port.
Open the valve on the freon can to release the gas into the Civic's air conditioning system. While charging, hold the can upright and gently shake it until the system is fully charged. Check the reading on the gauge attached to the hose several times as the system recharges. Be careful not to overcharge the system because that can cause damage.
Close the valve on the can when the gauge says the air conditioning system is fully charged. Put the cap back on the low-side port. Store the leftover freon in the can in a place that does not experience radical changes in temperature. Alternatively, contact your local garbage company to find out where you can dispose of the leftover freon in the can as hazardous waste.