Low refrigerant levels will cause your 1995 Ford F-150 to output air that is warmer than desired; and since the refrigerant normally acts as a lubricant for the compressor, running your air conditioner on an empty charge could damage it. Recharging the system is relatively simple since the F-150 has easily accessible service ports inside the engine bay. Complete recharge kits can be purchased from most major auto parts stores.
Trace the metal air conditioning lines under the hood to find an accessible service port. These ports are simple threaded connections covered by a cap. Any service port you find can be used to refill the AC with refrigerant.
Screw the end of a refrigerant hose onto the service port after connecting it to a pressure gauge and a canister of automotive refrigerant. Most recharge kits will include all three of these items pre-assembled. If assembly is required, follow the instructions included with the kit or individual components.
Start the engine and turn on the AC. Check the pressure reading. If the gauge indicates that the pressure is low, slowly dispense refrigerant from the canister by opening the control valve. Pay close attention to the gauge. When it indicates the pressure levels are within the appropriate range, close the valve and disconnect the hose.