Turn signals are an integral safety feature on the 1998 Pontiac Sunfire. Many an accident has occurred due to non-functioning turn signals. The brain of the turn signal system is the turn signal switch assembly, comprised of the switch itself, the hazard lights button and the turn signal lever. The switch mounts inside the Sunfire's steering column, just forward of the steering wheel. If your Sunfire suffers a sudden loss of all turn signal functionality, the switch may be the culprit. Those with a solid grasp on auto-repair and 20 minutes of free time can replace the switch.
Sit in the Sunfire's driver's seat and pry the trim collar off the upper steering column with a trim tool to expose the turn signal switch assembly.
Pull the turn signal wiring pigtail out of the Sunfire's turn signal switch body with your fingers.
Remove the Sunfire's turn signal switch retaining screw with a Phillips screwdriver.
Remove the turn signal switch assembly from the Sunfire's steering column by hand. Insert the new turn signal switch assembly into the column to replace the old one.
Thread the turn signal switch retaining screw through the Sunfire's new switch and into the steering column with your thumb and forefinger before securing it with the Phillips screwdriver.
Plug the turn signal wiring pigtail into the Sunfire's new turn signal switch assembly by hand.
Set the steering column trim collar back into position on the Sunfire's steering column and push down on it to snap it into place.