You can retrieve and read the trouble codes from your '95 Mercury Villager right from your home garage. All you need is an OBD I code reader. The Mercury Villager was a minivan produced by Ford Motor Company from 1993 to 2002. It has an On-Board Diagnostics first-generation computer (OBD I) that receives and stores trouble codes sent to it from sensors positioned throughout the vehicle. When the computer receives one of these codes, it alerts you to the situation by illuminating a warning light on the instrument panel.
Put the key into the ignition and turn it "On," but don't start the engine.
Plug the OBD I code reader into the diagnostic port located on the driver's dashboard underneath the steering column.
Turn the code reader on and wait for it to interface with the computer. Select the "Read Codes" command from the menu on the code reader.
Write down the codes it displays on a piece of paper. Look up the meaning of the codes in the code reader manual.
Unplug the code reader from the dashboard and turn off the vehicle. Have your car serviced or repaired based on the information obtained from the codes.