A clockspring, also called a spiral cable, is essential to keep the steering column and airbag working. The cable connects to the airbag and allows the electrical connection while still allowing you to turn the wheel. Installing a clockspring on your Toyota Corolla almost certainly means disconnecting and removing the old one. You will also need to align the clockspring exactly on the steering column.
Disconnect the battery's negative cable, making sure the front wheels are facing straight forward.
Loosen the screws on the side of the steering wheel with a Torx wrench and lift the airbag module off the wheel and disconnect the electrical connector for the airbag and cruise control.
Mark the steering shaft's relationship to the hub -- using tape or a marker -- if there are no marks or ones that don't line up.
Remove the steering wheel's retaining nut with a wrench and connect a puller to the wheel, then remove the wheel from the steering column.
Follow the current clockspring's wiring harness to the electrical and unplug it, then disengage the clockspring's three claws and detach it from the combination switch.
Install the clockspring onto the steering column's combination switch using the three claws. Plug in the electrical connector.
Press the clockspring's lock tab or hub and turn the clockspring counterclockwise by hand until it stops; avoid using too much force on the clockspring.
Rotate the clockspring in the other direction -- clockwise -- and line up the two pointers at the bottom of the steering column.
Line up the mark on the steering wheel's hub with the steering shaft mark and slide the wheel onto the shaft. Install and tighten the nut to 37 foot-pounds.
Plug in the electrical connectors for the cruise control and the airbag, then install the airbag onto the wheel and tighten the screws.