Your Nissan Maxima has literally thousands of circuits, run through electrical powering in your car, that powers dozens of different features. Some of these functions and features are run by fuses. However, others are run by relays. A relay is essentially a larger electric component that serves in the same capacity as a fuse but for higher, and sometimes variable, voltages and amperes. Removal of your Nissan Maxima relays is a straightforward process that should take you from 5 to 35 minutes depending on the location of the relay you have to remove.
Pop the hood of your Nissan Maxima. Open it and securely prop it open. Remove the negative battery cable with your socket set. Removal of the negative battery cable will prevent the possibility of an electrical short while you work on your vehicle.
Identify and locate the relay you have to remove. Relay types and locations will vary with year your Maxima came out. Consult your owner's manual or your your Nissan dealer if you have to to determine the location of the relay you need to locate. Many of your relays are actually housed in a relay box, which will be located near your battery. However, some specialized relays, like your fan motor relay, are housed in specific areas.
Locate your relay control box. This will be located near your battery. Pry the lid open with a flathead screwdriver.
Read the inside of the relay panel cover. There will be a diagram of all the relays housed in that box and the order in which they are laid out in the relay panel. This too can help you pinpoint some of your relays.
Pull up on the relay to remove it. Relays plug in, similar to an electric cord.